While you are out shopping for the hottest deals today, Walmart employees will be striking to bring attention to their lousy wages, unsafe working conditions, excessive hours, and sexual harassment. We all know Walmart “rolls back the prices” allowing products (largely made in China and/or sweatshops) to be sold at significantly cheaper prices than competitors. What most people do not know, or choose to ignore, is the manner in which Walmart employees are treated.
Largely sparked by Black Friday sales, employees are outraged at not having one day off to celebrate Thanksgiving. Many stores required employees to work on Thanksgiving in order to prepare for Black Friday. Of course this is happening in many stores around the country, Best Buy and Target for example, but Walmart employees have decided to come together and make a cry out to Walmart shoppers. For some reason, I doubt Walmart shoppers will understand. One employee stated “...my guess is the people who shop at Walmart might not be as motivated about these sorts of issues as other people.”
In a letter posted on Huffington Post, one Walmart employee, Toussaint Charbentier, explained that the strikes were not just a result having to work on Thanksgiving, but largely because of the 80% of employees that “rely on the government to survive.” According to Charbentier, the amount of money he makes in a year is close to what CEO, Michael Duke, makes in one hour. This disparity between wages becomes quite apparent when you look at the 80% of Walmart employees that rely on the government through food stamps, public housing, Medicare and Medicaid. A third of employees work less than 28 hours each week, excluding them from receiving company benefits.
Some credit this low pay to a lack of unions, Robert Reich claims employees have not had the means to fight low wages. By striking these employees are calling attention to the problem but this will not solve the problem. Walmart has filed claims with the National Labor Relations Board to pan the strikes, claiming the striking employees are working to gain “recognition for the United Food & Commercial Workers union.”
In our current economic state, many Walmart employees have no other option in terms of finding jobs. In many towns Walmart is one of the only options when it comes to employment. But, this goes farther than choosing to work at Walmart. Walmart has put many small retail business out of business, put their own suppliers into bankruptcy to “lower prices” and closed down stores where employees have attempted to organize unions. We should not be standing by encouraging this because we want to pay a few dollars less for something.